如何設定 AkashicPay SDK 以便在您的程式碼庫中使用
npm install @akashicpay/sdk
yarn add @akashicpay/sdk
# Pre-Reqs
# Requires at least PHP 7.0 and either the gmp or bcmath extension
composer require akashic/akashic-pay
# In case of Maven
# In case of Gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.akashicpay:AkashicPaySDK:1.4.0'
$ dotnet add package AkashicPaySDK
和 PrivateKey
),在這種情況下,SDK 會建立並使用新的密鑰對。然後將它們複製到初始化中。之後,請聯絡我們的技術支援人員設定回調 URL。例如,在 typescript 中:
import { AkashicPay, Environment } from "@akashicpay/sdk";
// production is the default environment.
// And in production, an otk must be specified
const akashicPay = await AkashicPay.build({
environment: Environment.Development,
// for security reasons, this would throw if the environment was production
// but you can use this in development to record and re-use your otk
const { l2Address, privateKey } = akashicPay.keyBackup;
`my testing L2 address: ${l2Address} and private key: ${privateKey}`
創建一個 AkashicLink 帳號,並在 AkashicPay.com 上完成註冊程序,包括根據需要設置回調 URL,如快速指南中所述。
- 位於 AkashicLink 的頂部欄位。
- 位於 AkashicLink 的設定 -> 安全 -> 密鑰對備份。
(如果沒有 privateKey
) - 在 AkashicLink 建立帳號時顯示
using AkashicPaySDK;
using AkashicPaySDK.Constants;
namespace ApSdkTests;
public class Example
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var environment =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("environment") == "production" ?
APEnvironment.Production :
var otk = ApSdkFactory.CreateOtkFromKeyPair("your_private_key", "your_l2Address");
var sdk = await ApSdkFactory.CreateSdk(environment, otk);
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use Akashic\AkashicPay;
use Akashic\Constants\Environment;
use Akashic\Constants\ACNode;
use Akashic\Constants\ACDevNode;
$akashicPay = new AkashicPay([
// in development, you will use our testnet and testnet L1 chains
'environment' => getenv('environment') === 'production' ? Environment::PRODUCTION : Environment::DEVELOPMENT,
// optional, the SDK will try to find the fastest node if omitted
'targetNode' => getenv('environment') === 'production' ? ACNode::SINGAPORE_1 : ACDevNode::SINGAPORE_1,
// use whatever secret management tool you prefer to load the private key
// from your AkashicLink account. It should be of the form:
// `"0x2d99270559d7702eadd1c5a483d0a795566dc76c18ad9d426c932de41bfb78b7"`
// In development, each developer could have their own, or omit this (and
// the l2Address), in which case the SDK will create and use a new pair.
// you can instead use your Akashic Link account's 12-word phrase, using the
// argument `recoveryPhrase`
'privateKey' => getenv('akashicKey'),
// this is the address of your AkashicLink account. Of the form "AS1234..."
'l2Address' => getenv('l2Address'),
import com.akashicpay.constants.APEnvironment;
import com.akashicpay.model.ACOtk;
import com.akashicpay.sdk.IAPSdk;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ACOtk otk = APSdkFactory.createOtkFromKeyPair("your_private_key", "your_l2_address");
APEnvironment environment =
System.getenv("environment").equals("production") ?
APEnvironment.Production : APEnvironment.Development;
IAPSdk sdk = APSdkFactory.createSDK(environment, otk);
using AkashicPaySDK;
using AkashicPaySDK.Constants;
namespace ApSdkTests;
public class Example
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var environment =
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("environment") == "production" ?
APEnvironment.Production :
var otk = ApSdkFactory.CreateOtkFromKeyPair("your_private_key", "your_l2Address");
var sdk = await ApSdkFactory.CreateSdk(environment, otk);
現在您可以使用 AkashicPay 了!要瞭解更多關於不同功能的資訊,請前往下一頁。繼續閱讀以獲得更多關於 AkashicPay 進階設定和測試的詳細資訊。
您也可以將 AkashicPay 與 AkashicChain Testnet & Sepolia (Ethereum) 和 Shasta (Tron) 測試網路一起使用,這對本地開發和暫存環境非常有用。要做到這一點,不需要 AkashicLink;您可以按如下方式建立一個 AkashicPay 實例,SDK 會為您創建一個 「測試otk」:
然後,若要在之後的測試中重複使用相同的 otk(建議),只要在設定時提供 otk 即可:
import { AkashicPay, Environment } from "@akashicpay/sdk";
const privateKey = process.env.akashicKey;
const l2Address = process.env.l2Address;
const akashicPay = await AkashicPay.build({
environment: Environment.Development,
// Now, e.g. create a wallet on the Tron Shasta testnet
const { address } = await akashicPay.getDepositAddress(
require "vendor/autoload.php";
use Akashic\AkashicPay;
use Akashic\Constants\Environment;
use Akashic\Constants\NetworkSymbol;
// production is the default environment.
// And in production, an otk must be specified
$akashicPay = new AkashicPay([
'environment' => Environment::DEVELOPMENT,
'privateKey' => getenv('akashicKey'),
'l2Address' => getenv('l2Address'),
// Now, e.g. create a wallet on the Tron Shasta testnet
$address = $akashicPay->getDepositAddress(NetworkSymbol::TRON_SHASTA, 'user123');
import com.akashicpay.constants.APEnvironment;
import com.akashicpay.model.ACOtk;
import com.akashicpay.model.APDepositAddressResult;
import com.akashicpay.model.APNetworkSymbol;
import com.akashicpay.sdk.IAPSdk;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String l2Address = "your l2Address";
String privateKey = "your privateKey";
ACOtk otk = APSdkFactory.createOtkFromKeyPair(privateKey, l2Address);
IAPSdk sdk = APSdkFactory.createSDK(APEnvironment.Development, otk);
APDepositAddressResult trxDepositAddress =
sdk.getDepositAddress(APNetworkSymbol.TRX_SHASTA, "EndUser123");
using AkashicPaySDK;
using AkashicPaySDK.Constants;
using AkashicPaySDK.Model;
namespace ApSdkTests;
public class Example
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
var l2Address = "your l2Address";
var privateKey = "your privateKey";
var otk = ApSdkFactory.CreateOtkFromKeyPair(l2Address,privateKey);
var sdk = await ApSdkFactory.CreateSdk(APEnvironment.Development, otk);
var trxDepositAddress = await sdk.GetDepositAddressAsync(TronShastaNetworkSymbol.Value, "test005");
龍頭 (Faucet)
在測試和本地開發期間,您需要在測試網路上使用加密貨幣才能進行任何有意義的工作。Akashic 提供了一個簡單的龍頭 (Faucet),只要提供您的 L2 地址/身份 (identity),您就可以在 Shasta 和 Sepolia 上申請一些代幣:https://faucet.testnet.akashicchain.com/。
如果您需要進一步的資金,官方 Tron Discord 每天會在 Shasta 上提供使用者 5000 TRX 或 USDT。
Last updated