Recommended integration flow
We recommend thoroughly reviewing the following integration flow to ensure a safe and seamless integration when using our product.
Last updated
We recommend thoroughly reviewing the following integration flow to ensure a safe and seamless integration when using our product.
Last updated
Before you integrate AkashicPay, we highly recommend thoroughly reviewing the integration flow to guarantee a smooth and secure integration when using our product. This ensures that all components of the system are properly aligned, minimising the risk of errors and potential disruptions. By carefully following the outlined steps, you can confirm that every feature operates as intended and that your system remains stable throughout the process. Additionally, adhering to these guidelines helps safeguard data integrity, enhances performance, and provides peace of mind that your integration is both reliable and secure for long-term use of your funds and a smooth integration of AkashicPay, we recommended you reading through this and follow the recommended integration flow.
This process mirrors the experience of visiting the production environment of our website. It allows developers to test the functionalities while integrating our AkashicPay SDK using testcoins, ensuring everything works smoothly before going live.
Reproduce the same steps as you previously have done when creating a new account on AkashicLink, but this time on testnet environment. You can get the AkashicLink testnet version through this as indicated from the blue arrow. Or you can download the testnet version through here.
Create your AkashicLink testnet account and log onto AkashicPay on the testnet environment. You will go through the same onboarding process, mirroring the production environment.
Generate your Secondary KeyPair, input your Callback URLs and start integrating the AkashicPay SDK with the Secondary KeyPair.
On the testnet, USDT (Shasta-TRX) and USDT (SEP) are both support as well as Shasta-TRX and Ethereum Sepolia. Each testnet environment AkashicLink account supports all 4 of these cryptocurrencies. To avoid confusion from the production environment, we have disabled the deposit addresses for the mainnet on a testnet AkashicLink account.
The integration process should be exactly the same as the testnet environment. The differences are the key management.
As previously emphasized during the AkashicPay onboarding, both the Primary and Secondary KeyPair grant access to your account and funds. It is essential to keep the Primary KeyPair (whether it's the 12-word recovery phrase or the KeyPair) secure and never share it with anyone. Safeguarding this information is critical to protecting your assets.
Primary KeyPair can generate and refresh Secondary KeyPair.
Both Primary and Secondary KeyPair have access to the Account and Funds
Secondary KeyPair cannot generate and refresh Primary KeyPair nor Secondary KeyPair.
It is your responsibility to safeguard these keys to protect your account. The Secondary KeyPair should only be entrusted to developers you trust and rely on for account integration and management.
Never share your Primary KeyPair (12-word secret recovery phrase or KeyPair from AkashicLink) to anyone.
It is recommended that you use your Secondary KeyPair for our AkashicPay SDK integration.
Secondary KeyPair will only be shown once on the first generation attempt. If you lose it, you must generate a new one.
Secondary KeyPair shares the same permissions as the Primary KeyPair apart from generating new keys.
A person in charge, an Owner or an Authorized Director, should create account in AkashicLink to obtain the Primary KeyPair.
The person in charge should generate the Secondary KeyPair in and delegate the access of the Secondary KeyPair to the Entrusted Personnel, such as Tech Lead or CTO of the company.
Entrusted Personnel should use this Secondary KeyPair to proceed with SDK Integration as the Secondary KeyPair is required to set up properly.